How do you get started with KeyShot? Very quickly. In fact, you probably don’t even need a video to show you how. Nevertheless, we have just the “getting started with KeyShot” video for you. If for nothing else, to show you an example workflow you can use to apply to any model you’re rendering with KeyShot. Ready?
Getting started with KeyShot
The video below is 6 minutes of KeyShot walking you through opening a file, panning and zooming, moving your model, applying materials and adjusting your environment. It’s all you need to know to get started and get to know the KeyShot interface in the quickest way possible.
Simple, yes? To get a better idea of how KeyShot works, you need to get into it. The next step is to download KeyShot and give it a try! You can download KeyShot here for Mac and PC. And remember, if you buy KeyShot 2 now, you get a free upgrade to KeyShot 3 which will be launching soon!
If there are any tips you would like to see on the blog or have questions about the KeyShot workflow, just hit the comments and let us know! You can also visit the forums to see what people are creating with KeyShot and find answer to any questions you might have.
Ready to Render? You can Buy KeyShot here or grab the Trial to give it a go first!