We love the growing KeyShot community on Facebook, meeting new users, seeing what others are creating with KeyShot and sharing that with over 43,000 friends! More and more people are following KeyShot each day, so we wanted to offer a little something to our Facebook community. Till the end of May, you can use a special code to receive a discount on the KeyShot software. Here’s what to do…
There are two ways to get to the special code. You’ll see a small image at the top of the KeyShot Facebook page that will take you to the offer. Or, you can go directly to the promo page here. Once you’re there, you’ll see the code and the links to purchase KeyShot. If you’re not already a Facebook friend just visit the page and hit the Like button to unlock the code. If you’re not on Facebook, don’t worry. Simply contact sales@keyshot.com and mention the ‘Facebook friend deal’ to have someone contact you.
Remember this special ends Friday, May 31st. As always, we love to see your KeyShot renderings and animations! Share them with us on the KeyShot Facebook page or send us a message and let us know about your work.