The KeyShot Tutorials and Quick Tip Podcasts. Now on iTunes.

by | May 20, 2013 | 0 comments

We’ve had a continuous flow of beans into the coffee grinder with several developments in the works and KeyShot 4.1 soon to be released! One small but important part of this is releasing a series of new KeyShot tutorials. We’ve had updated KeyShot 4 tutorials online for some time. You can view all the KeyShot tutorials here as well as on on our Youtube channel. With quite a few requests coming in for a podcast version, we decided to make it happen. Today, we announce the KeyShot Tutorials podcasts (iTunes) and the KeyShot Quick Tip podcast (iTunes) available for your viewing pleasure with more to come.

KeyShot on iTunes

To date, we have all the new KeyShot 4 tutorials available with a new animation series and more advanced tutorials in the pipeline. You can suscribe to both the KeyShot tutorials and KeyShot Quick tips podcast via this links on iTunes:

KeyShot Tutorials: Subscribe and watch via iTunes.
KeyShot Quick Tips: Subscribe and watch via iTunes.

To subscribe, simply select “View in iTunes” and select Subscribe or search “KeyShot” via the iTunes Podcast app. Oh, and don’t forget to leave a rating and tell your friends about it. We’ve got more planned for these and will be making the quick tips accessible via iTunes podcast as well. Let us know what you think!

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Written By KeyShot

The KeyShot crew fills you in with the latest KeyShot tips and tricks, insight into 3D rendering technology and the people creating the coolest visuals across the engineering, product design and entertainment industries.


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