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Creating Top Notch Milky Plastic in KeyShot



November 14, 2012

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Written By KeyShot
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It may look like just your standard XRM125 Renson air-vent-valve with acoustic filter and that’s because Philippe Vanagt took great care in the materials he applied to each part. The studio needed product renderings to integrate with brochures and leaflets. Using the Advanced Material type in KeyShot, Philippe created the exact ‘Milky Plastic’ look he wanted for the electronics housing and fitting. In a forum post where he presented the images he created, he also shared the settings and the plastic material file itself that you can download and import to use on your own plastic bits.

Milky Plastic Material

The Advanced Material type in KeyShot brings you all available material options for making your own custom materials – diffuse, specular, roughness and refraction along with all the texture mapping and advanced options. Philippe dialed in the settings to create a Milky Plastic material that also serves as a great starting point for creating other plastic materials. From the Project panel on the Material tab, ere are the material setting he used to create it:

Type: Advanced
Diffuse: 43:43:43
Specular: 200:200:200
Specular Transmission: 238:237:228
Diffuse Transmission & Ambient: 0:0:0

Roughness: 0.029
Roughness Transmission: 0.1
Refraction: 1.5
Fresnel: ON
Glossy: ON
Glossy Samples: 9

Philippe also provided the KeyShot material file.

Download Renson-Valve_MilkyPlastic.kmp

To add the material to your library, open the KeyShot Library panel. In the Materials tab, select Import, then select the .kmp file from the location you downloaded to. You will see a new folder with the material located inside.  You can rename this folder and organize within your own library. Do you have a material you would like to share? Visit our Material forum board where you can both submit and request materials. Thanks again to Philippe for sharing this great material!

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