Early today, Vitaly Bulgarov shared some of the new personal work for his Black Phoenix Project, Pilot 2. Bringing back memories of his previous Pilot render, this new version brings in more color, less carbon fiber, an insane amount of detail and all the awesome Vitaly is known for.
He described his workflow:
“I started off in ZBrush with a rough bust block-out model just to get the feel for the overall mass. I only spent about 30 min on it when I took it into XSI. Since it was still just a quick sculpt, I didn’t try to literally retopo it, but rather use it as a guide mesh for big shape decisions only. So pretty much both days: Saturday and Sunday I spent in XSI using standard polygonal modeling tools. Here are some screenshots and test renders made in KeyShot.”
Test renders? We’re certainly looking forward to the final renders. Keep an eye on his new work via Instagram and Facebook.