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KeyShot 3. The All New Animation Workflow Will Rock You.



September 19, 2011

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Written By Josh Mings
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There are many things that rock… music, free drinks, free food and any episode of the the TV show Fringe, but beyond that, there is something that rocks even more. The new animation in KeyShot 3. I know, when does it come out? Well, that’s what also rocks. Beta will be available to customers this week (keep your eyes on the blog for the announcement!) In the meantime, we want to give you a sneak peak at the KeyShot 3 Animation Workflow in a wonderful 15 minute video the amazing Brian Townsend has put together. Prepare to animate.

KeyShot 3 Animation Workflow

To get you started, Brian steps through the process of animating a laptop, raising the lid, exploding a component and closing it back down. Simple, clean and just as easy as KeyShot rendering. A few things to note. You get complete control over your parts with the ability to move, copy and animate each individual component. You can also copy your animation between components and group animations. You also get camera animation included and while you play the animations, you are also able to change materials and environments, all in real-time baby. Take a look as Brian steps you through the basic animation workflow.

Remember, be looking for KeyShot 3 Beta to hit this week!

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