SONIC Design is a fabulous boutique design studio based in Brooklyn, New York. Klaus Rosburg is the president, was nominated for the National Design Award in 2007 and is the Gold winner of the Design of the Decade 2010 award by the IDSA. Sonic has taken the CES Design Innovation Award, Packaging of the Year and Design of the Decade 2011 just to name a few. They uses KeyShot to create and deliver incredible visuals of their clients’s product, packaging and furniture designs. This is what Klaus has to say about KeyShot.
Sonic Design
“When I was first introduced to KeyShot, I was instantly impressed with the ease of use, the lighting and realistic looking materials. What took me sometimes days before, I would set up and render in less than an hour. Today, KeyShot has become an integral part of the design process at Sonic, as it allows to communicate and market our design ideas effectively.” – Klaus Rosburg
You can see more fabulous packaging and product shots, find out more about Sonic design and what they do at