It’s on the way, and our March webinar gives you a sneak peek of what’s to come. KeyShot 5 is currently in private beta and we want you to see what we have cooking. We’re finalizing the new features and enhancements we show in the presentation and have some others we are sure you’ll like as well. While development is working tirelessly to release the new version of KeyShot, you can see the preview on the KeyShot webinar page or just hit the play button below!
KeyShot 5 features an updated user interface, faster workflow options and the new share site that allows upload of KeyShot resources to share with others. This webinar gives you a look at these features and many more to come. We also have the KeyShot Beta forum where you can catch the latest conversations on KeyShot 5 and see what results the beta testers are getting.
Get started with a free download of KeyShot here. And remember to sign up for our newsletter where we will announce future webinars and the latest news on KeyShot.