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KeyShot Animation of the Week: Dynamic Simulation by Tim Feher



October 11, 2011

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Written By Josh Mings
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What happens when you get KeyShot animation into the hands of a user who wants to explore the range of animation options for the first time? Simple, amazing widget spinning goodness. What you’re about to see, I’ve not even seen done with the KeyShot animation yet. However, Tim Feher took it on, and in no time created this simple illustration of some very dynamic simulation.

Dynamic Simulation in KeyShot

This entire animation was done with a the simple timeline, no paths, no rigging… no mess. Just fast simple set-up while you view and render live in the real-time rendering environment. In other words, as Tim created and played this animation, he was able to apply different materials and environments to see the effects. Have a look.

Does this give you some ideas to try out? To find out more about KeyShot Animation, just hop over here. The beta is still going on through the end on the month, with plans for a early November launch of KeyShot 3. Ready?

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