Elephorm has just release a new training package from long time KeyShot user and master of advertising visuals, Florian Benedetto. Master KeyShot 5 is available (in French) from Elephorm for €49.90 and includes over five hours of video training that takes you through all the features available in KeyShot.
Materials: All materials are reviewed-cloth and leather, metal and paint, translucent, miscellaneous and more.
Environment: Learn about applying environments to a scene, using depth of field, and advanced features in the HDRI Editor including Sun & Sky lighting and setting highlights.
Rendering: Learn what out put settings are available and how to use them to get the highest quality and fastest rendering.
Animation: Discover the different types of animation, the timeline, fade, and how to perform a final render.
Florian’s workshop approach allows you to put into practice what you have learned as you watch it. You will learn how to create realistic skin using the translucent skin material while you work along with him step-by-step on a hyper-realistic model of a human head. You will learn to integrate a car into a photograph, research sources, assign materials, refine lighting and shadows, and set up the scene using backplates or adding a HDRI map. Finally, you learn post production in Photoshop allowing further refinement to finalize your work.
At the end of the course, you’ll be able to set up your own scenes, and render your own images and animations with a rendering of professional quality.