Have you ever wished you could get away from the hectic schedule of the day, call up KeyShot tech support and shave the knowledge off the frontal lobes of our illustrious support staff? Maybe you’ve had the opportunity to do just that and still wish there was a sprint session of the top ten most popular tech support questions you could soak your ear canals in. Well, that time has come. Now you have the opportunity to sit back, relax and glean the insight to questions you’ve often pondered in this upcoming KeyShot webinar.
Top 10 Tech Support Questions Revealed
Thursday, November 29th, 2012 – 10AM PDT
Prepare to glow with the knowledge of enlightenment with this opportunity to meet our tech support leads and find out the answers to the top tech support questions we receive. We’ll be going over topics about materials, texturing, installation, import, performance and more with additional Q&A at the end. Sign up now as our webinars fill up fast! In this webinar, we’ll be addressing:
- How do I transfer a license?
- Why don’t my textures show up?
- What are the best import settings?
- What is the best way to link materials?
- How do I get the best rendering results?
- and five more of the top tech support questions!