KeyShot World, the first conference for all things KeyShot, is coming to you next month! On 21 April, 2015 from Motorworld in Stuttgart, Germany KeyShot users will have access to keynote sessions by professional KeyShot users and two workshop tracks to help take their lighting and material work to the next level. In addition, Luxion CEO, Claus Wann Jensen will lead the morning Keynote session with a special presentation on the future of rendering and animation and a special preview of KeyShot 6.
Organized by INNEO Solutions GmbH, the day long event will host 9 speakers and two independent workshops throughout the day, aimed at improving the rendering skills of KeyShot users. Registration is free for the one-day event, running from 09:00 to 16:30 with an Expo area feature products and services from Luxion, HP, INNEO, Dosch Design and 3DConnexion.
Register today at and keep an eye on twitter for #keyshotworld live coverage.