Motorola has developed some of the most innovative designs in mobile technology. They’ve built an empire, inventing many of the protocols and technologies used in mobile tech today. They’ve focused on solving problems for decades with a unique approach to their product design and engineering, an approach that demands a very specific solution. KeyShot has helped in the design process, from early concept to powering Motorola’s online configurator and serving up product visuals for web and print. Working with their design team, we found out more about how they develop product and how KeyShot has helped meet their needs.
How has KeyShot saved time, money or improved quality?
Due to the complexities of producing images for a massive customization service like Moto Maker, we were running a lot image-creation jobs via manual or batch processes prior to onboarding with KeyShot. With its advanced capabilities, especially the new Web Configurator, KeyShot helped us significantly decrease cost by automating the process of creating images of our Moto X product in different views, across a variety of materials, textures and lighting. The produced renders are of much higher quality than the previous solution used, which has a direct positive impact on sales via our online channel.