





Matt Tremblay, Chief Designer at RED Digital Cinema and founder of RogueDZN, has been a long time user of KeyShot, bringing incredibly detailed visuals of top-of-the-line Digital Film cameras and custom luxury jewelry to the eyes of people around the world. We caught up with Matt to ask him about how he uses KeyShot throughout the product design process to create a wide variety of amazing 3D renderings.

您使用什么软件进行 3D 建模?
SolidWorks 总是最符合我建模风格的软件。与常规软件相比,它也有点狂野。我可以接受草图边上全是红色,SolidWorks 也一样。SolidWorks 就像一匹脱缰的野马,一旦被驯服,它就会按照你的意愿行事。它确实喜欢抱怨几句,但我只会说 "关系":DELETE-ALL!然后,你不知道吗,大家又都很开心了。这种方法肯定不适合所有人,但对我来说很有效,因为我只向前走,从不后退。如果有什么不对,我就把它剪掉,然后重新改造。对我来说,这样做可以节省时间。我宁愿从头开始重塑一个零件,也不愿意花几个小时进行参数建模。但这只是我的想法。这给你带来的烦恼程度与你所做修改的数量直接相关。(现在地球上所有的 solidworks 老师可能都在对着显示器骂娘呢!)。


What brought you to the decision to use KeyShot?
I use whichever program limits me the least and gives me the best results in the shortest timeframe. That’s KeyShot. With their new animation features, KeyShot has a solid hold on the future of Industrial Design rendering. Luxion is in an amazing situation right now and they have the ability to take over the product design rendering and animation industry. I think they have done such an amazing job with the rendering portion. I would love to see them apply those same ideals to the animation side. Don’t get me wrong I love what they did. I simply think they could take the whole thing to next level by taking cues from some of the best in the business. I just don’t want there to be any limitations.


我现在做什么就渲染什么。详细的光线跟踪和光照特性可以让您的模型呈现出您在 SolidWorks 屏幕上无法看到的效果,即使打开了真实视图图形,您也无法看到光照对您的产品产生反应的细微差别。归根结底,无论您使用的是什么程序,关键都在于光线和控制算法的先进程度。

You can see the direct benefits of the rendering on the RogueDZN website. What many people don’t know, is that almost every piece of RogueDZN’s structural website design (buttons/frames/360 spins) are all KeyShot renders. The images of the product are all actual photos except the 360 degree spins on the individual product pages.



对于 RED 来说:
我最喜欢的项目是RED EPIC以及与之配套的配件系列。特别是战术组件和枪手系统。它用途广泛,模块化程度高,你可以用它制作任何东西。这就像为你的摄像机准备了一套战术乐高积木。摄影机系统是专门设计用来从一种摄影机拍摄风格快速转换到另一种风格的。电影拍摄现场是一个时间紧迫的地方,能够改变摄影机的功能属性是这个行业的一大优势。反过来,对于静态摄影师和游击摄影师来说,同样的概念也适用。你花在摆弄设备上的时间越少,你就有越多的时间来拍摄出美丽的照片,无论照片是动态的还是静态的。

对于 RogueDZN 来说:
必须是犰狳:C6-DARKHORSE。这东西实在是太复杂了,而且是定制的,比其他任何东西都要好得多。起初,它看起来只是犰狳:161 的黑色版本。然后仔细一看,你会发现每一层碳纤维都像小钻石一样,在灯光下眨着眼睛。这是简单的材料/机械/设计的疯狂。这正是它的本意--在任何层面上都不妥协。公司不生产这样的产品是有原因的。他们会破产的。我只是想看看实物,所以别无选择。


Are there any KeyShot tips you can pass along?
The only real tip I have is “Put in Miles.” It applies to really any program you start using. You need to put in time in front of any program you use. There is an idea out there that if you have a program, (say Photoshop), then you are a graphic designer. Not the case. For example, just because you have Michelangelo’s paint brushes doesn’t mean your going to be able to paint the Sistine Chapel. We all need to remember that computer programs are only tools that allow us to create.

