KeyShot News

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KeyVR 11.2 mejora el rendimiento y ofrece más flexibilidad

KeyVR 11.2 mejora el rendimiento y ofrece más flexibilidad

Costa Mesa, California, 8 de febrero de 2023 - Estamos muy contentos de traerle KeyVR 11.2, que ofrece características solicitadas por la comunidad, junto con correcciones de errores y mejoras de calidad. Estas son las novedades de 11.2: . Una barra lateral acoplable y modo de pantalla completa:...

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Luxion lanza KeyShot 8.1

Luxion lanza KeyShot 8.1

Tustin, California, Noviembre 19th, 2018 - Luxion, a leading developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology and maker of KeyShot®, the first real-time ray tracing and global illumination program for 3D rendering and animation, today announced the release of...

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Luxion lanza KeyShot 8

Luxion lanza KeyShot 8

Tustin, California, Octubre 2nd, 2018 - Luxion, a leading developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology and maker of KeyShot®, the first real-time ray-tracing and global illumination program for 3D rendering and animation, today announced the release of...

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Luxion lanza KeyShot 7.3

Luxion lanza KeyShot 7.3

KeyShot Viewer provides high-quality, interactive visuals for presentations on desktop, laptop or tablet. Tustin, California, Abril 5th, 2018 - Luxion, a leading developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology and maker of KeyShot®, the first real-time...

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