필요한 렌더링 속도

Connect KeyShot with Solid Edge

KeyShot for Solid Edge allows you to increase the quality of your design images, animations and interactive visuals. This integration allows KeyShot to be launched directly from the Solid Edge interface, automatically sending both the design and all the assigned material appearances to KeyShot. Additionally, KeyShot for Solid Edge implements LiveLinking™ which allows you to push any changes in the Solid Edge design directly back into KeyShot without losing any of the material assignments, animations, lighting or camera settings.

Connect KeyShot with Solid Edge

작동 방식

KeyShot for Solid Edge adds a menu to the Solid Edge interface. Within Solid Edge, you can work on your design, transfer the geometry to KeyShot at any time throughout the process. With LiveLinking support, any changes made in Solid Edge can be transferred to KeyShot instantly.

초기 전송

After the plugin is installed and your model is open in Solid Edge, select Export to KeyShot from the KeyShot menu. Your exported scene will appear in KeyShot.

라이브 링크

As soon KeyShot is started from Solid Edge through the Export to KeyShot option, the two applications are linked. You may assigns materials, set up animations or set up lighting and camera angles inside KeyShot. In Solid Edge, you may continue to refine your model. When you are satisfied with the changes, select Update KeyShot from the KeyShot menu. All updated parts (geometry/location) will be replaced inside KeyShot with all materials, animations, etc. also maintained. Note: New parts will be added to the scene and may not automatically get painted.

KeyShot Solid Edge용

KeyShot 는 Solid Edge의 클래식 및 프리미엄 버전에서 사용할 수 있는 번들 제품 옵션입니다. 자세한 내용은 Solid Edge 공인협력업체에 문의하십시오.

Can I upgrade to KeyShot Pro?

An upgrade from KeyShot for Solid Edge to KeyShot Pro is available. Purchase here or contact Luxion at sales@keyshot.com.


  • 부품 및 어셈블리 수준에서 색상 할당 유지 관리
  • 어셈블리 구조 유지
  • 저장된 카메라 뷰 전송
  • 라이브링킹 - 내부 모델 업데이트 KeyShot
  • KeyShot 설치 없이 bip로 내보내기

요구 사항

  • Solid Edge ST8 이상
  • KeyShot Solid Edge용(번들)
  • Windows 7/8/10 32/64비트



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GTAC electronic support is available 24 x 7 at siemens.com/gtac. GTAC telephone support is available M – F from 5:00 AM to 5:00 PM Pacific Time in the US and Canada, and during normal business hours internationally +1 (800) 955-0000, Option 2-2-1.

KeyShot 솔리드 엣지 FAQ

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