Storia di successo

Motorola Moto-x




Prodotti utilizzati:

KeyShot Studio


Software utilizzato:

Motorla is on a mission to develop the best mobile devices on the planet. They’ve innovated mobile communications since the early days of hand-held devices, inventing many of the protocols and technologies that make mobile communication possible. Over the past 80 years, they have pursued simple solutions to solve problems, improving millions of lives along the way. Today, they continue that pursuit with new devices, technologies and interaction to personalize their designs, using KeyShot to make it happen from early concepts to their online product configurator. We find out more from Motorola’s Senior Manager of Product, Ashish Sharma, about their unique approach to designing products and how KeyShot helps along the way.



Software di modellazione utilizzato: Rhino
Sito web:

motorola-moto-x-keyshot-01-tnCosa c'è di unico nel processo di progettazione di Motorola?
In qualità di inventore del telefono cellulare, Motorola pone un'attenzione impeccabile ai dettagli in ogni aspetto del design dei suoi prodotti. Un elemento chiave della nostra filosofia di design è la possibilità di scelta per i clienti. Oltre a ottenere un ottimo smartphone, vogliamo che i nostri clienti possano esprimere la loro personalità e il loro stile attraverso di esso. Con Moto MakerPer questo motivo offriamo ai nostri utenti migliaia di modi per personalizzare il nostro smartphone di punta Moto X. È possibile avere un telefono con il retro in legno o in pelle e persino con un messaggio personale inciso al laser: vogliamo progettare prodotti che si distinguano dalla massa dei tipici smartphone che tutti gli altri utilizzano. Questo rende la nostra metodologia di progettazione particolarmente impegnativa, perché gli smartphone e gli indossabili sono dispositivi complessi che richiedono un difficile bilanciamento tra estetica e funzionalità.

How is KeyShot used in the process?
KeyShot is central to the success of our Moto Maker customization service. With the multitude of customizations options available with our Moto X phone, KeyShot helps us navigate the complexities of different materials, textures, lighting to show rendered images of the product in various views. Since we are selling a high end phone online, we want to make sure our customers get a high quality view of what their customized phone would look like once in their hand. We also use KeyShot in producing high resolution product imagery used in banners and on our website to support our brand.



With its advanced capabilities, especially the new Web Configurator, KeyShot helped us significantly decrease cost by automating the process of creating images of our Moto X product in different views, across a variety of materials, textures and lighting.”

How has KeyShot saved time, money or improved quality?

Due to the complexities of producing images for a massive customization service like Moto Maker, we were running a lot image-creation jobs via manual or batch processes prior to onboarding with KeyShot. With its advanced capabilities, especially the new Web Configurator, KeyShot helped us significantly decrease cost by automating the process of creating images of our Moto X product in different views, across a variety of materials, textures and lighting. The produced renders are of much higher quality than the previous solution used, which has a direct positive impact on sales via our online channel.


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