KeyShot News

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Luxion lance KeyVR - VRTM en un clic

Luxion lance KeyVR - VRTM en un seul clic

KeyVR is a revolutionary, new virtual reality experience to put creators and products in the same room – with one click. Tustin, California, Mai 7th, 2019 - Luxion, a leading developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology, including the first real-time ray...

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Luxion prend en charge PTC Creo™

Luxion prend en charge PTC Creo™

Demonstrates KeyShot integrated with Creo at PTC's worldwide launch event Irvine, California, Octobre 28, 2010 - Luxion, the leading developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology and makers of KeyShot, the first realtime ray tracing and global illumination...

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Luxion lance KeyShot 2.1

Luxion lance KeyShot 2.1

Irvine, California, Octobre 1, 2010 - Luxion, the leading developer of advanced rendering and lighting technology and makers of KeyShot, the first realtime ray tracing and global illumination program, today announced the release of KeyShot 2.1, as a free upgrade to...

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Luxion reçoit un prix à Los Angeles

Luxion reçoit un prix à Los Angeles

US Commerce Association’s Award Plaque Honors the Achievement NEW YORK, NY, Septembre 2, 2010 -- For the second consecutive year, Luxion has been selected for the 2010 Los Angeles Award in the Computer Services category by the U.S. Commerce Association (USCA). The...

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