当Specialized自行车部件的营销团队计划推出他们的新Venge公路自行车时,他们希望为访问他们网站的人创造一个独特的、有吸引力的体验。Specialized选择了Thomas Burke & Others(又称TB&O)来创造一种沉浸式的虚拟现实体验,这种体验符合他们的设想,但在网络的技术和带宽限制下还没有做到。使用KeyShot 和一个3D专业团队,他们在预算范围内按时交付了这个体验。

使用的建模软件。SolidWorks, Maya

项目。为Specialized Venge自行车提供虚拟现实体验
网站: www.specialized.com/5minutes


无论是并肩作战还是通过视频会议,KeyShot ,使我们有可能对 "假设 "问题进行调整,并立即看到结果。"

在紧迫的发布时间表的压力下,TB&O面临的一个巨大挑战是使用CG软件,使他们能够与Specialized的工程师和营销团队一起工作,以促进快速和有效的合作。TB&O选择了Luxion的KeyShot 3D rendering 和动画软件,因为它具有完成工作的功能,同时对于实时协作的团队成员来说也很容易使用。无论是肩并肩还是通过视频会议,KeyShot ,都可以对 "假设 "问题进行调整并立即看到结果。

TB&O的CGI艺术家面临的另一个挑战是如何提供Specialized团队想要的特殊动画和互动的3D桌面和移动浏览体验。KeyShot ,提供动画工具和KeyShotVR,创建视频质量的光线跟踪3D内容。TB&O团队将这两个工具结合起来使用,创建了 "爆炸 "内容和沉浸式互动体验。这在以前是很少见的,而且从来没有这样的规模。这个项目突破了界限,如果没有KeyShot 开发和支持团队的支持,是不可能完成的。


The KeyShot material editor made it possible to get the photo-realism that the client was looking for. Every material in this experience was created from scratch.”

Principal CGI artists Tim Feher, Mike James, and Dries Vervoort took real-time feeds of bike parts from the Specialized engineers and set about creating material surfaces that would make the bike appear real. The Specialized team wanted the result to be photo-realistic and not the typical neutral look of CAD renders. That meant that the CGI team had to spend time studying the look and feel of the actual finishes on the bike and its components. It also required setting up various lighting scenarios to see how the finishes behaved in the real world. The KeyShot material editor made it possible to get the photo-realism that the client was looking for. Every material in this experience was created from scratch.

specialized-venge-keyshot-wheel-animationOne of the most challenging materials to tackle was getting the right look for the unidirectional carbon fiber that is naturally irregular and then sprayed black at joints and clear-coated to a matte finish. Additionally, to create a realistic front and rear wheel, the carbon rims had to be separated into multiple parts. The tires which are an important part in making this the fastest bike on the planet had to be rendered from scratch. While KeyShot handles creating complex materials well, the team used SolidWorks and Maya to create the components that didn’t exist in the CAD files supplied by Specialized.


为了创造客户想要的情感反应,TB&O团队必须创造一个既简单又戏剧化的物理环境。因此,该团队没有仅仅依靠HDRI照明环境,而是建立了一个透明的场景,并用23个由单个几何体创建的灯光来补充自定义HDRI照明环境所提供的光线。结果是戏剧性的灯光,无论你在VR ,都能突出产品的特点。

在TB&O创建虚拟现实体验的同时,一个网络设计师团队正在建立一个新的网络体验,以支持Venge的发布。KeyShot 的能力,以产生即插即用的HTML5代码和JavaScript,支持渐进式加载和流畅的手势控制,这对在压缩的发布时间表内获得最佳的用户体验非常重要。同样重要的是,可以灵活地制作单独的图像框架,用于为网站建立一个定制的垂直滚动动画。

Use finger or mouse to rotate the Specialized Venge.
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A valuable by-product of this work product is being able to repurpose the asset. Once the initial project was completed, TB&O created ten short videos that Specialized incorporated into their PowerPoint presentation to dealers. Similarly, it is easy to change the product finishes, the background, the lighting and to create still images as well as other VR experiences. While the project was initiated to support the web experience at launch, Specialized has found numerous other ways to use the assets to support social media initiatives, and other marketing and product development needs. More about TB&O’s projects can be found here.

阅读Develop3D关于Specialized Venge的封面故事

关于Specialized Venge

Specialized S-Works Venge是有史以来最快、最完整的公路自行车。一个由15名工程师组成的团队利用位于加州摩根山总部的Specialized Win Tunnel™来开发这款先进的自行车。超过1000小时的风洞测试用于最终的设计。S-Works Venge是空气动力学生态系统的一部分,包括衣服、头盔、鞋子、轮胎和轮子,它们结合在一起可以为竞争激烈的骑手在40公里内节省5分钟。