Sarah McCulloch hails from Liverpool, England working with Cloud Imperium Games on one of the most popular multiplayer space trading and combat game, Star Citizen. She brings a level of depth, detail, and precision to the game industry with a knack for problem solving and passion for sharing her knowledge with others. We caught up with Sarah to learn how she started and how she uses KeyShot in her process to bring her art to life.
Sarah McCulloch
大学毕业后,我做了几年朝九晚五的工作,后来在索尼公司担任质量保证测试员。当时,他们安排我们到当地一所大学学习基本的三维艺术,从此我就迷上了三维艺术。课程结束后,我决定继续深造,于是进入当地一所大学攻读全日制游戏艺术学位。在这里,我学习了 3ds Max 等三维美术应用程序的基础知识,以及如何将它们导入虚幻等游戏引擎。毕业后,我现在的艺术总监保罗-琼斯(Paul Jones)看到了我的作品集,并给了我一个带薪实习概念设计师的职位。这是我发展的真正转折点。我只能用通过驾照考试后才发现自己还有很多东西要学来形容这种感觉。
您的主要 3D 建模软件是什么?
我的主要 3D 软件是 3ds Max。我非常喜欢堆叠系统功能。它为我的硬面设计提供了很多很酷的选择。
Where in the process do you use KeyShot?
I do a rough block out in 3ds Max. I then use the KeyShot plugin to quickly see the core forms of what I’ve created. I can update the model and push changes in real-time using this method. It’s incredibly versatile and quick. I love it!
What makes KeyShot an important tool to have?
KeyShot’s ease of use, its versatility and the way it enhances my images all bring my art to life, especially my spaceships. Even at the core shapes phase, thanks to KeyShot, I can see what materials will work on which shapes. I can then quickly check if certain shapes will work in a well-lit environment. This workflow means it’s a part of the core software I use every day!
What advice would you give to someone interested in doing what you do?
One of the most important things, on a technical level, is to find the best software that fits you. These are the tools you will use every day, so you have to decide what works for you. For me, it’s 3ds Max and KeyShot. For you it might be something different, so try them all. Never stop drawing, never stop creating. No matter what circumstances you find yourself in, just keep practicing. You can only ever get better!