當專業自行車元件行銷團隊計劃推出他們的新款 Venge 公路自行車時,他們希望為訪問其網站的人們創造獨特且引人入勝的體驗。Specialized選擇了 Thomas Burke&Others (又名TB&O)來創建一種身臨其境的虛擬實境體驗,這種體驗符合他們的設想,但在網路的技術和頻寬限制下尚未完成。用 KeyShot 和一支由 3D 專業組成的團隊,他們在預算範圍內按時交付了體驗。

網站: thomasburke.com/

客戶: 專業自行車零部件代理
專案: 專用復讎自行車的虛擬實境體驗
網站: www.specialized.com/5minutes

像這樣技術先進的自行車,具有非凡的工業設計,應該得到的不僅僅是傳統的視頻或靜止圖像。他們想要漂亮的視覺效果,以顯示設計的複雜性。圖像和視頻將講述在風洞中設計自行車的故事,以及職業自行車手的推薦,他們將在當時即將到來的 環法自行車賽中比賽並贏得賽段,但營銷團隊正在尋找 一種獨特的網路體驗 ,使用動畫來擴展故事,同時允許使用者控制他們如何查看自行車。他們想要的超出了大多數動畫體驗通常提供的範圍,也不同於網路上的其他任何東西。

無論是並排還是通過視頻會議, KeyShot 使調整「假設」問題並立即看到結果成為可能。

在發佈時間緊迫的壓力下,TB&O面臨的一大挑戰是使用CG軟體,使他們能夠與專業工程師和營銷團隊合作,促進快速高效的協作。TB&O選擇了Luxion's KeyShot 3D rendering 和動畫軟體,因為它具有完成工作的功能,同時易於團隊成員實時協作。無論是並排還是通過視頻會議, KeyShot 可以對「假設」問題進行調整並立即看到結果。

TB&O CGI藝術家面臨的另一個挑戰是如何提供專業團隊想要的特定動畫以及支援3D的互動式桌面和移動觀看體驗。 KeyShot 提供動畫工具和KeyShotVR,可創建視頻品質的光線追蹤3D內容。TB&O團隊結合使用這兩種工具來創建「爆炸」內容和身臨其境的互動體驗。這在以前很少做,也從未達到如此規模。這個專案突破了界限,如果沒有 KeyShot 開發和支持團隊。


The KeyShot material editor made it possible to get the photo-realism that the client was looking for. Every material in this experience was created from scratch.”

Principal CGI artists Tim Feher, Mike James, and Dries Vervoort took real-time feeds of bike parts from the Specialized engineers and set about creating material surfaces that would make the bike appear real. The Specialized team wanted the result to be photo-realistic and not the typical neutral look of CAD renders. That meant that the CGI team had to spend time studying the look and feel of the actual finishes on the bike and its components. It also required setting up various lighting scenarios to see how the finishes behaved in the real world. The KeyShot material editor made it possible to get the photo-realism that the client was looking for. Every material in this experience was created from scratch.

專精復讎-keyshot-輪動畫One of the most challenging materials to tackle was getting the right look for the unidirectional carbon fiber that is naturally irregular and then sprayed black at joints and clear-coated to a matte finish. Additionally, to create a realistic front and rear wheel, the carbon rims had to be separated into multiple parts. The tires which are an important part in making this the fastest bike on the planet had to be rendered from scratch. While KeyShot handles creating complex materials well, the team used SolidWorks and Maya to create the components that didn’t exist in the CAD files supplied by Specialized.


為了創造客戶想要的情感反應,TB&O團隊必須創造一個既簡單又戲劇性的物理環境。因此,該團隊不再僅僅依靠HDRI照明環境,而是構建了一個透明佈景,並使用由單個幾何體創建的23個光源來補充自定義HDRI光源環境提供的光線。結果是戲劇性的光線,無論您身在何處,都能突出產品 VR 經驗。

在TB&O創造虛擬實境體驗的同時,一個網頁設計師團隊正在構建一種新的網路體驗,以支援Venge的推出。的能力 KeyShot 生成可立即插入的 HTML5 程式碼和 JavaScript 以支援漸進式載入和流暢的手勢控制對於在壓縮的發佈計劃內獲得最佳用戶體驗非常重要。同樣重要的是生成可用於為網站構建自定義垂直滾動動畫的單個圖像幀的靈活性。

Use finger or mouse to rotate the Specialized Venge.
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A valuable by-product of this work product is being able to repurpose the asset. Once the initial project was completed, TB&O created ten short videos that Specialized incorporated into their PowerPoint presentation to dealers. Similarly, it is easy to change the product finishes, the background, the lighting and to create still images as well as other VR experiences. While the project was initiated to support the web experience at launch, Specialized has found numerous other ways to use the assets to support social media initiatives, and other marketing and product development needs. More about TB&O’s projects can be found here.



專業 S-Works Venge 是有史以來速度最快、集成度最高的公路自行車。一個由 15 名工程師組成的團隊使用位於加利福尼亞州摩根山總部的 Specialized Win 隧道™來開發這款最先進的自行車。最終設計經過了 1,000 多個小時的風洞測試。S-Works Venge 是空氣動力學生態系統的一部分,包括服裝、頭盔、鞋子、輪胎和車輪,它們結合在一起,為有競爭力的騎手在 40 公里內節省了 5 分鐘。