We love our athletics. We love our athletes. Few grasp this as much as Wilson, creator of sporting good and equipment for nearly a century, who have been influential and intimately involved in shaping the games of tennis, golf, baseball and American football. You’ve likely kicked, hit, or shot a ball designed and manufactured by Wilson. Likewise, you’ve probably seen the professionals and masters in their sports, swing, shoot, carry or wear Wilson gear. All major sporting events around the world use Wilson products and each division at Wilson is dedicated to making them the best. This goes for the visuals as well, with so many telling the story of the athletes. The Creative Services at Wilson use KeyShot in the development of visuals that define a product, a brand, and ultimately, a generation of professional athletes. We find out more about the process and how they use KeyShot.
윌슨의 크리에이티브 서비스에는 어떤 것들이 포함되나요?
윌슨의 크리에이티브 서비스 팀은 모든 마컴, 제품, 패키징, 인터랙티브 및 온라인 디자인을 위한 사내 디자인 에이전시입니다. 이 크리에이티브 팀은 골프 크리에이티브, 라켓 크리에이티브, 야구/풍선 크리에이티브의 세 그룹으로 나뉘어 Wilson의 모든 스포츠 카테고리에 대한 글로벌 크리에이티브 전체를 관리합니다. 이 크리에이티브 팀은 각 특정 사업부의 마케팅 팀과 제품 라인 관리자에게 서비스를 제공합니다.
The Golf creative team specifically has adapted the KeyShot application into their workflow to elevate the services they provide in product design, creative asset building and interactive design. This team is at the forefront of utilizing KeyShot on a daily basis to enhance the vast amount of creative they touch day to day.
윌슨의 주요 프로젝트에는 어떤 것이 있나요?
골프 크리에이티브 팀의 주요 프로젝트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 제품 브랜드 아이디어
- 제품 디자인
- 소비자 중심의 인터랙티브 디자인
- 체험형 매장 디자인
윌슨의 디자인 프로세스에서 독특한 점은 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?
골프 크리에이티브 팀이 글로벌 규모로 처리하는 작업의 범위는 사내 크리에이티브 팀으로서는 상당히 방대하고 독특합니다. 프로젝트는 제품 디자인, 인터랙티브 디자인, 전통적인 그래픽 디자인, 브랜드 개발에 이르기까지 다양합니다. 이렇게 다양한 크리에이티브 프로젝트는 매일매일 변화하며 디자인을 흥미롭고 신선하게 유지합니다.
How has KeyShot helped save time, money or improve quality?
KeyShot has attributed to multiple time saving avenues to help the Golf Team make creative decisions faster and ultimately reduce cost. The examples listed below are specific to what the Golf Creative team has been able to improve upon using KeyShot.
Faster Product Design Decision Making:
With Keyshot, our creative team can align with marketing and R&D (Research & Development) to review new products in a virtual world. Product decisions can be made on screen to reduce the amount of samples required by our vendors. This eliminates the need for multiple samples being shipped overseas, which ultimately lowers costs and speeds up product development timelines.
Reduction in Product Photography:
Our Wilson Staff premium line of golf clubs is now entirely made through KeyShot. In KeyShot we are able to dictate art direction, lighting and composition of imagery for our global premium line. We have created hundreds of visual assets that are used in multiple creative avenues. This approach alone has reduced studio photography time, heavy re-touching fees and overseas product sample shipping costs.
More Creative Assets:
Since we have offered KeyShot in our group, we have been building more unique and innovative creative assets. These assets are used through multiple creative channels such as interactive 360 VR videos, product videos/commercials and in-store environmental design solutions.
What were some challenges KeyShot help overcome if any?
The largest hurdle that the Golf Creative team overcame was ability to produce product assets from CAD models without having physical samples to photograph. With delays on getting final product samples shipped to the US our team was already behind on creating assets for MarComm and Trade advertising. KeyShot helped us get past this challenge as we were able to create hundreds of assets for product that we had not seen final physical samples of.
What is one piece of advice you would pass along to other designers?
Keep pushing the limitations of the program. We use KeyShot in any instance that we can to create hyper real images and assets. Whether we are creating in-store environments or packaging renders, KeyShot has been instrumental in producing a superior solution for our clients.