ANDESIGN knows how important iconic design, functional aesthetics and the entire development process is to a successful project. Since 2007, they’ve been a force to behold, establishing themselves as a firm that can handle the entire product development cycle and a group of individuals focused on helping companies design, engineer, and deliver exceptional products. They have a complete team of Designers, Engineers, Model Makers, Artists, and Project Managers with a strong work ethic, defined in their motto: “Cultivate creativity. Design with purpose.” It all shows through in their work and the visuals produced to deliver what’s needed at each stage of the process. Andrew Namminga, CEO of ANDesign tells us what they’ve done to succeed and how KeyShot has helped.
Quel est le principal logiciel de modélisation 3D utilisé par ANDesign ?
The primary 3D modeling software that we use is SolidWorks and obviously KeyShot is our go to rendering tool.
Qu'y a-t-il d'unique dans le processus de conception d'ANDesign ?
Les imprimantes 3D ont permis à notre équipe de prototyper et de tester rapidement nos modèles 3D pendant, et non après, le processus de conception. Cette capacité garantit un produit final parfaitement adapté aux applications du monde réel.
What are some of the projects KeyShot has been used on?
The iPort, Pelican, Mophie, Polar Pro and pretty much everything else on our Behance site. KeyShot has also been used for Hiit Bottle, a new all purpose protein bottle shaker with insulated wall, that has reached, and greatly exceeded, its funding goal on Kickstarter.
How has KeyShot helped save time, money and/or improve quality?
With KeyShot, the fundamentals are easy to learn, but in the hands of an experienced designer, KeyShot is complex enough to produce professional results. KeyShot, in our opinion, has the shortest rendering time of any program we’ve tried so far. At the end of the day, time equals money.
Quels conseils donneriez-vous à ceux qui s'intéressent à la conception de produits ?
En tant que designer industriel, vous vous concentrez naturellement sur la conception de beaux produits. Mais dans le monde réel de la conception, l'ingénierie est tout aussi importante, si ce n'est plus. Il faut apprendre les bases de la conception, acquérir des compétences relationnelles, comprendre l'ingénierie et se tenir au courant des tendances.