You walk up to your door after being away. Do you know what happened inside? Canary arrived with a simple product that put home security in the hands of the renter and home owner. The device not only provided a way to monitor your home when away, but to do it with ease and, yes, style. Their attention to the details is evident in the sleek, beautifully thought-out design of their product; product visualized using KeyShot all along the design process, from concept to completion and beyond. It begins with their approach to a design.
Software de modelado utilizado: Autodesk Alias Design
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"Canary adopta un enfoque centrado en el usuario en todo lo que diseña. El hardware, el software y los servicios están pensados para trabajar juntos de forma holística. Tenemos en cuenta dónde se utilizarán nuestros productos, y los diseñamos para que sean bonitos y discretos."
Canary’s focus on developing easy-to-use, affordable technology that puts you in control struck a cord with thousands. They introduced themselves through the most successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, selling over 10,000 devices in 78 countries. It’s where we first heard of the company with a unique approach to security systems. We’re proud to be counted among the thousands sold and we are even more excited to discover they use KeyShot to develop their product visuals.
“KeyShot is used at every step of the development process. From initial concept through launch of the product. We use it to help convey ideas, and we use it to create marketing assets to help tell the story of the product to the public.”
Canary Flex is their latest product, a simple to use wireless and weatherproof HD security camera–The first of its kind. For some, Canary is the first connected smart device in their home. They removed the barrier to home security, to the technology, and are doing it again with a camera that can be mounted anywhere and using KeyShot once again to communicate the design.
“We used KeyShot for both Canary and Canary Flex. KeyShot helped us evaluate design details by creating photo-real images of different options. This gives us a more realistic idea of what the final design will be like. KeyShot also helped us create posters, banners, and animations for various advertising efforts.”
A simple to use product designed by simple to use software? That’s what Canary sees as the greatest benefit of including KeyShot in the product development process.
“KeyShot helps us save time by being so simple to use. Creating lighting environments and assigning materials helps us quickly get an understanding of the product.”
Es a través de este proceso de comprensión del producto donde iteraron sobre diferentes conceptos, descubriendo lo que funcionaba para llevar la forma y la funcionalidad a una fase de desarrollo, teniendo siempre en mente el uso final y el usuario final.
"El diseño del producto debe empezar siempre por el usuario final. Además, no hay que tener miedo a fallar e iterar para conseguir un producto mejor. El diseño no es un proceso lineal, se necesita mucho trabajo para llegar a una gran solución final."