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Success Story



About supaCGI


Ladbergen, Germany

Products Used:

KeyShot Studio



Software Used:


As one of the leading digital content production agencies in Germany, supaCGI boasts a broad portfolio. They perform everything from high-end rendering to complex animations. supaCGI also offers consulting services, as well as interactive VR and AR solutions. Founder/CEO Moritz Radke of supaCGI discusses the agency’s creative process and their appreciation of KeyShot.

What drove you to launch supaCGI?

Since our inception in 2019, supaCGI’s primary goal has been to make the rendering process understandable and easy to digest for our clients, and more affordable for small to mid-sized businesses that lack the resources of larger, more-established manufacturers. Currently, we have 25 product designers and CGI artists at the top of their field. In the past three years, supaCGI has built a portfolio of more than 800 global clients.


What challenges did you face in starting the company?

When we first began, we realized that although the CGI industry was growing in Germany, the primary drawback was that it remained difficult to provide quality renderings for small to medium-sized businesses. Most of those services, due to the price point, were reserved for highly specialized machine builders. There was a widespread opinion that, for smaller businesses, it was something that wasn’t financially viable.

However, we saw a niche where those smaller businesses could excel; we had the tools and a super CAD database of some of the finest examples of German engineering. The challenge was making those things accessible for every company, not just the big leaders with all the capital. Our clients needed high-end marketing material for advertising purposes but had to settle for subpar CAD screenshots and mediocre mobile phone pictures of products and prototypes; this had become the standard. We were looking to KeyShot to help create a sea change in the industry, making such things faster, more efficient, and affordable.





What were you looking for when you were considering bringing on KeyShot?

When we approached KeyShot, we knew what we were looking for, the problem was getting there in a way that could make these things accessible to all our clients. We needed software that could keep up with market demand, providing not only streamlined processing of large CAD data sets but also a more intuitive workflow in terms of shading and lighting to produce highly detailed renderings at a lower cost. We needed breathtaking quality and realism and high performance without the necessity of maintaining costly, high-end workstations. We found it in KeyShot (back then we used version 6) and the company’s network rendering solutions!






How has KeyShot changed the way you work?

Firstly, I’m fully convinced that any client with a basic knowledge of how 3D design and rendering can easily understand KeyShot. When working with the KeyShot team, we were provided with invaluable resources and some of today’s leading CGI artists, photographers, engineers, and designers, all of whom were specialists in their fields.

Our team at supaCGI was able to recreate materials and structures exactly as they would look in real life, meeting all the specific requirements of our clients. By using our comprehensive knowledge of manufacturing and industry best practices, we could create a digital twin of any prototype, image, etc., adding everything from the right surface finish to the look and feel of the final rendering.

KeyShot gave our engineers and product managers on the client side an equal footing, enabling them to reproduce everything down to the last detail and create self-explanatory content. It allowed us to gain trust and confidence from those we work with across the board, explaining everything in pictures.


Why would you recommend KeyShot?

KeyShot is never happy with the status quo and strives to go one step further than what others in the industry are doing. Not only do they boast a team of some of the world’s top CGI artists, but they also employ the latest technology used by Blender, Houdini, Rhino, Unreal, Clo, and Moi. It was leveraging this technology, experience, and creativity that enabled supaCGI to deliver accurate results second to none, and we’re happy to be a member of the KeyShot family!

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